About Positive Solutions Health Coaching

What coaching can do for you...

Statistics from the World Health Organisation reveal that 60% of deaths world wide can be prevented by changes to individual lifestyles. In the UK, the Department of Health conducted research  which concluded that excessive alcohol consumption and high obesity levels are responsible for an increase in illnesses and diseases, such as liver disease and diabetes. Other studies have also revealed that up to 70% of degenerative diseases (i.e. heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease and diabetes) can be prevented by making changes in leading a healthier lifestyle.

Coaching is available in the following areas:

  • Alcohol and drug abuse
    Alcohol is the most popular of all drugs and figures provided by the World Health Organisation suggest that between 1% and 10% of the world’s population are dependant upon it. Alcohol dependency often originates from excessive stress levels, either at work or at home. Drug or substance abuse can arise for a variety of reasons. Whilst there may be no single reason why alcohol dependency and drug addictions develop, they can eventually change the way that we feel both mentally and physically and the effects can also destroy lives and families. Being addicted to either will mean that a person’s body will become more tolerant and reliant upon alcohol or substance use, to the extent that withdrawal will become more difficult with symptoms evident in both the emotional and the physical sense.

    The coaching process can help the client towards understanding and recognising the nature of their addiction. It can then help the individual in seeking a way forward by creating options and putting strategies in place leading to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Diet and nutrition
    A person`s views on food are often based upon childhood experiences which can sometimes lead to a lack of awareness and understanding of healthy eating habits. The best foundations for a healthy diet are those which provide for a balanced diet based on a variety of choices from each major food group, along with sensible eating habits in accordance with current guidelines. The basic principles of good diet and nutrition will, following analysis, revolve around the needs and requirements of each individual client in order to achieve healthy lifestyle habits.

    Coaching will address such issues as the physiology of the diet which may need to be changed if there are genetic factors involved, or any behavioural and emotional habits which may require a psychological approach to food.
  • Smoking cessation
    Being able to stop smoking is one of the most beneficial actions that a person can take to protect both the health of themselves and others. It is never too late to quit and reduce what is a major risk factor for many life threatening diseases. A lot of people have been successful in quitting smoking, although there are many others who have tried and have not as yet succeeded. Evidence suggests that 90% of smokers aged between 45-64 would elect not to smoke given their time again. Surveys also reveal that 4 million smokers a year will attempt to quit, but only 3% will actually succeed. Statistics indicate a “delusion gap” of 53% who expect to stop within 2 years, but only 6% of that figure actually manage to succeed. However, there are a growing number of countries which now have more ex-smokers than smokers and since the gradual increase in the ban on smoking in public places, the habit is deemed as being more anti-social than ever before.

    Coaching can help the smoker to analyse and recognise their reasons for smoking and why it is that they began the habit. The process will aim to take the client through the various stages by providing skills and strategies to develop self control and eventually create lasting behaviour changes.
  • Stress management
    Stress is an individual feeling that is created in reaction to a particular event or circumstances, prompting the human body to respond by activating the nervous system and specific hormones. Stress factors can materialise from either external or internal sources which are perceived as being threatening and largely beyond our control. Whilst an optimal level of stress is deemed as being healthy, an overload of stress can be damaging and overwhelm the body’s ability to be able to cope. This can lead to a person feeling depleted and exhausted and may also weaken the body’s immune system and cause other health related problems in the process.

    Stress management coaching begins by being able to identify the sources of stress which are causing the problems and then establishing coping strategies, which can help to provide a beneficial response in the long term. The necessary skills and techniques are best applied when used on a regular and consistent basis and not just at times of stress.
  • Weight management and obesity
    Being overweight means having extra body weight from muscle, bone, fat and/or water. Being obese means having an excess amount of extra body fat. People are at an increased risk of many diseases and conditions by being either overweight or obese. Certain factors such as diet, lifestyle, environmental, emotional and biochemical issues can lead to weight gain.

    Coaching can help to create a positive approach to such issues by identifying root causes and provide alternative thinking patterns and behaviours. A person’s current values and belief patterns may be assessed with a view to making any adaptations as necessary. This will also involve exploring activity levels in order to encourage a combined approach involving exercise.